Robot IRB 7600 vs 7600FX


Could anyone clarify if the only difference between 7600 series robot and 7600FX series robot is 7-th axis in the FX series? I can't find precise answer on the web page, only marketing materials.

Thank you for any help.



  • Hello,

    From hardware point of view IRB7600 and IRB7600FX are same. But as it is mentioned in marketing material of IRB7600FX it has completely different kinemaitc model than regular IRB7600. If you want to use Linax unit ( 7th axis for pres tending applications) with your IRB7600 you need to activate this kinematic model with special key.

    IRB7600 product family also have a different variant which is called IRB7600RX. It's used with rotational 7th axis. Same with IRB7600FX. No hardware differences at manipulator side ( special kinematic model)


  • Hi Erdem, how do I get the special key? Is it an option I need to install and activate? I received a file LinaxL_5.2.rslib and attached it to 7600, but should the TCP move with the mounting plate on the FX bar?