RobotStudio event

Adjusting WorkObject

My code is set to allow the work object to be changed based upon

interface with the operator. However, I need to change the rotation of the

work object. But how to do with the quaternion? Let's say I need to

change the rotation about the x-axis by 1.5 degrees, how to do?



  • Hi
    Take a look in the RAPID manual on instructions
    - OrientZYX
    - EulerZYX
    I think that is what you need

    Best Regards
    Per Svensson

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi,

    The PerSvensson have reason this is only you need, OrientZYX and the EulerZYX, you must have attention to order of the function is ( ZZZZZ,YYYYYY,XXXXXXX) not (XXXXX,YYYYYY,ZZZZZZ)is very important use the coordinate correct. I recomend use 2 WorkObject data, one is a fixed and the other is a variable like this:

    fresa2 and fresa They are a WorkObject


    anglex := EulerZYX(X,fresa2.uframe.rot);
    angley := EulerZYX(Y,fresa2.uframe.rot);
    anglez := EulerZYX(,fresa2.uframe.rot);
    anglnovox:=anglex + inclinafreza;

    fresa2.uframe.rot := OrientZYX(anglnovoz, anglnovoy, anglnovox);
    fresa2.oframe.trans.x:=fresa2.oframe.trans.x + fresadx;
    fresa2.oframe.trans.y:=fresa2.oframe.trans.y + fresady;
    fresa2.oframe.trans.z:=fresa2.oframe.trans.z + fresadz;


    Best regards,


    Joao Fidalgo