RobotStudio event

IRB 340 Pick and Place Not Working

I am working on writing a new and updated curriculum for the IRB 340 we have at our school. My team had the robot running, but when we changed the pick elevation and place elevation on the Pickmaster software, the conveyor stopped working, possibly due to too much pressure on the belt. We have replicated this project file, ran other project files from past users, and re-calibrated the robot, but nothing seems to be working. The robot will move to the first pick position, lift up slightly, then stay at that point until we stop the program from Pickmaster. The vacuum air pump does work, however, and it is enabled as it sits in the position above the pick position. The pendant also does not show any error messages. Any help or feedback would be much appreciated.


  • Is there a way you can paste what part of the program you are having trouble with?