RobotStudio event


AlexK ✭✭
edited December 2017 in Robot Controller

I'm used to working with RW 5 and noticed that RW6 EIO.CFG has been remapped in the new version. In RW5 when configuring Profinet you could specify the IP directly in EIO.CFG, in the new version of RW6+ you instead specify this in SIO.CFG, what is the reason for this? Is it still posible to specify the IP Address of the profinet network directly in EIO.CFG or is it only possible in SIO? I use an Excel spreadsheet that generates IO configurations EIO.CFG files based on PLC specifications but as of version 6 that no longer seem to apply to the IP. It would be nice to still be able to specify the IP address in EIO for simplicity of having everything related to I/O in EIO.CFG like it was in V5.

Alexander K
Best regards
Alexander Källberg