Execute Move Instruction with MoveL Offs

If i try to execute move instruction on a MoveL Offset i get an error.

Is it not possible and if not does it come i release 5.08

Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • Hi Klaus,
    From RS5.07.01 release notes:
    "The RAPID functions Offs and RelTool are not fully supported

    RobotStudio doesn't fully support instructions using Offs or RelTool functions. They will be synchronized and will appear in the element browser, but commands such as "View Tool at Target" and "Locate Target" will not work. Targets used in the instructions will not be visible in the graphics."
    So, this is a known limitation and it will be the same in RS5.08.
    Best Regards,
    Anders Jahnberg 
    ABB Automation Technologies 
    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics