RobotStudio event

Mandatory Attribute missing

Hello there

I'm new to this forum, but I have my basic understanding in robotics.
In this project I have 4 IRB910's of which 3 of them work perfectly. There is 1 robot however that keeps throwing next error message:
"Missing mandatory attribute Act1 on line 70 in file.”

The thing is, the robot does not say which cfg file is affected. I have been looking for hours in every cfg file i could find, tried editing files to see if the line number would change, but nothing happens.
The other strange thing is that the 3 other robots were configured in exactly the same way is the 1st one and they don't show the error. 
The robot works absolutely fine, it does everything it should so the error is not affecting the robots functioning. It just shows this annoying error over and over...

Does anyone know anything I could do to track this fault?
Thanks in advance!
I'll attach the system diagnostics aswel.


  • Look in the configuration event log.
    Lee Justice
  • What exactly do you mean with the 'Configuration' event log?
  • After you acknowledge the error, you should see in the bottom right where you can bring a pop up which will have a list of all other event log types.  You will want to look at the configuration event log.
    Lee Justice
  • Ok, thanks I will look into it!
  • So I found the configuration log and this is the only message that is in there. With the same text, so no specification as to which file is wrong.
  • It may be that this particular robot has a different robotware version than the others.  Sometimes, with different versions, you have to write the config file a little different.
    Lee Justice
  • Looks like it's related to a cross connection (EIO_CROSS in EIO.cfg).
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • Where did you find this and what connection exactly?
  • Just an observation that "Act1" is a cross connection attribute.
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • Ah, yes I see what you mean.

    These are my cross connections:

          -Name "DI_Zone1" -Res "DI_Zone1" -Act1 "INT_Rcoll_PLC_Zone1"

          -Name "DI_Zone2" -Res "DI_Zone2" -Act1 "INT_Rcoll_PLC_Zone2"

          -Name "DI_Zone3" -Res "DI_Zone3" -Act1 "INT_Rcoll_PLC_Zone3"

          -Name "DI_Zone4" -Res "DI_Zone4" -Act1 "INT_Rcoll_PLC_Zone4"

          -Name "DI_Zone5" -Res "DI_Zone5" -Act1 "INT_Rcoll_PLC_Zone5"

          -Name "DI_GripperOutput" -Res "DI_GripperOutput" -Act1 "DO_Gripper"

          -Name "DI_VacuumOutput" -Res "DI_VacuumOutput" -Act1 "DO_Vacuum"

          -Name "Watchdog" -Res "INT_Rcoll_PLC_WatchDog"\
          -Act1 "INT_PLC_Rcoll_WatchDog"

    In notepad however, the cross connections go from line 45 to 63. Not even close to 70. Or are there hidden lines in the cfg file that notepad++ does not open?
    In the past I've tried adding or deleting cross connections to see if the linenumber would change, but it does not..
  • no one? I'm really stuck on this fault.
  • This sounds like an issue I have heard about in the current RobotWare - the work around is to take a backup of the system ensuring that the code and config files have no errors -> do an I-start (now call 'system reset'), then load the 'clean' backup.

  • How can I make a backup of the system ensuring the code and config have no errors? if the robot keeps telling me there is an error?
    Common sense and comparing the cfg files with the other robots?
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Do the other robots have a different robotware version?
    Lee Justice
  • No all the robots have the same robotware, they have sequential serial numbers (61,62,63,64, 61 is the one with the problem)
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Are you assuming that they are same because of their serial numbers or did you actually check the backinfo file?
    Lee Justice
  • Because the robot is running fine (apart from the error - which in normal circumstances would prevent it from running) you can assume all is OK.

    So take a backup and to the system reset, then restore the backup.

  • lemster68 said:
    Are you assuming that they are same because of their serial numbers or did you actually check the backinfo file?
    I assumed it and checked the backinfo file now. All the IRB910's have robotware 6.05.00.

    Because the robot is running fine (apart from the error - which in normal circumstances would prevent it from running) you can assume all is OK.

    So take a backup and to the system reset, then restore the backup.

    Ok, I will try this tomorrow when I'm back at the client. I will keep you posted!
  • Because the robot is running fine (apart from the error - which in normal circumstances would prevent it from running) you can assume all is OK.

    So take a backup and to the system reset, then restore the backup.

    So this actually worked. The problem seems to be fixed! Thank you very much!
    If this is a bug in RobotWare, maybe ABB should be informed ( if they aren't allready)