RobotStudio event

how to open backup of robot in RobotStudio

I'm trying to open a robot program from a backup. I'm using the system builder and I get the error that "Couldn't find a matching RobotWare version in the selected Media Pool" The RobotWare version of the bacup is 5.14.2039.02.
Is it possible to download a RobotWare version of an old robot ad put it in the media pool or how do I fix this?
Is there another way to open an old robot back up in robot studio?

Thank you.


  • Which version of robotstudio are you using to build the system?
    Lee Justice
  • You can download older RobotWare versions from RobotApps under Add-Ins. 5.14.03 or 5.15 should work fine.

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • Is it possible to open an old Pack&Go and save it in the latest version? I was trying it and it saved it in the same (old) version. I want to give some old stations to the students, but then the IT people have to install the corresponding RobotWare on all the computers.