RobotStudio event

Send move distance to JointMover through signals


I have a Mechanism i have made inside RS, now i want to move the joints a distance depending on signal from the VC. 

And here is my problem, if i connect a analog och digitalgroup input to the JointMover through a converter and send a value higher then 0 i get an error in the output window "Property Binding failed to set 'J1' (Value is above maximum)". Even if i send the value 1 I get this error, the joint is supposed to have a upper bound of 400 mm.

I have also tried "RapidVariable" but the properties want connect in the Design view of the smartcomponent.
Have anyone else made a mechanism with a joint that can get it position from signal?


  • Hello!

    Smart Components works in meter, not mm, so that is probably your problem. When you set value 1 it is 1000 mm, which is "above maximum".

    Best regards,

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Thank you Anders, it solved the problem!