RobotStudio event

Robotprogram still running while E-stop is pushed in


I have this strange error occurring to me today. The robot was running fine until I had a joint collision, the tool got stuck a little bit, nothing major, no damage occurred. I wanted to stop the robot so I could manually jog it out of the way. However the robotprogram got stuck running, switched to manual, remained running.
I tried pushing the stop button and the E-stop, but the program kept running. Restarting the controller was also impossible due to this. Only thing I could do is cut the power.

When starting the robot again, it still did some weird things, but then I could actually restart it from the flexpendant.
Now everything returned to normal.
Does anyone have an idea how I got into this situation and how to avoid it?

Thanks in advance


  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭

    do you use a system event routine for program stop or quick stop, which waits until an condition is fulfilled?

  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    I have seen that a few years' back.  My issue was being caused by the PLC constantly sending system inputs to the robot to Start, motors on , etc.  It would cause the controller to lock up in that state.  Do you see in your event log a bunch of motor on rejected, start rejected preceding the lockup?
    Lee Justice
  • The event logs doesn't show anything being rejected at that time, just a bunch of messages of the collision I had, but nothing rejected.
    I don't have any routine linked to a program stop or quick stop. I have a 1 second interrupt routine that has no waits and a power-on routine to define WZ, so no waits here to.