Actual torque of motors


Have a 5.15 Robot and Having a problem getting motor Torque on Axis 5 with TestSignal

Basically polishing and want to know when polishing wheel hits part on robot.

       VAR num motor_torque2;
       VAR num motor_torque3;
        TestSignDefine 2, 4002, ROB_1, 5,0;
        motor_torque3 := TestSignRead(2);

Above is my code, but it is not working, says Execution Error 40799 - Trying to Use Channel with No Defined Signal.

Same error when I try "Speed" or 4001 for Signal ID

Any Ideas?



  • Hi.

    Don´t Know if this available on 5.15 but in another application I use

    where  "nJointTorqueRob2{1}" is just a num array of 6.

    Use it either in a PLC Task, or in an interrupt (iTimer)

    Hope this helps
  • Agussyam
    edited December 2019
    Mech said:

    Have a 5.15 Robot and Having a problem getting motor Torque on Axis 5 with TestSignal

    Basically polishing and want to know when polishing wheel hits part on robot.

           VAR num motor_torque2;
           VAR num motor_torque3;
            TestSignDefine 2, 4002, ROB_1, 5,0;
            motor_torque3 := TestSignRead(2);

    Above is my code, but it is not working, says Execution Error 40799 - Trying to Use Channel with No Defined Signal.

    Same error when I try "Speed" or 4001 for Signal ID

    Any Ideas?

    I have same error with this, how to solved this?
  • As per the answer above use the RAPID function GetMotorTorque.

    Below is the example from the RAPID manual:

    VAR num motor_torque2; motor_torque2 := GetMotorTorque(2); The current motor torque of the second axis of the robot is stored in the variable motor_torque2.

  • As per the answer above use the RAPID function GetMotorTorque.

    Below is the example from the RAPID manual:

    VAR num motor_torque2; motor_torque2 := GetMotorTorque(2); The current motor torque of the second axis of the robot is stored in the variable motor_torque2.

    I have try that, and use iTimer, but the result is always <0.5 and -0, even the robot pull the part or not
  • GetMotorToque is only available from RW6.0 and later.

    You have to use TestSignRead and associated TestSignDefine for RW4  and RW5.

  • GetMotorToque is only available from RW6.0 and later.

    You have to use TestSignRead and associated TestSignDefine for RW4  and RW5.

    Yes, the robot use RW6.08.01, is it need any software option?
  • It appears to be a be RobotWare Function.