Task disabled warning

Hello, this is probably a newbie question but hey i am one :). I am getting "At least one task disabled" and "At least one task is unchecked in the task selection panel" warnings in my output window. When i click on the warning it provides me with recommended action:

To see the list of enabled tasks you open the QuickSet menu, select Run Mode or Step Mode and press << Show Tasks.

I can not find the QuickSet menu or any info about it in the Operation manual, help files or forum. Would someone be able to send me in the right direction?


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  • Hi,

    The QuickSet menu will you find on the Virtual Flexpendant. Click on the button with the gearwheel icon to open it.

    The message in the output window means that one or more tasks are disabled, e.g. if you have a multimove system with two robots, and would like to test run only one robot, you can disable the other robot (task). In RobotStudio you enable or disable tasks in the Simulation - Setup menu. So you don't have to use the Virtual Flexpendant.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics