RobotStudio event

Can I move the location of an external axis after the system has been created?


Hi guys. I'm relatively new to RobotStudio and I'm hoping someone here can help me. I have a weld station that I received through a pack and go. It works, except that the positioner is about 8 inches out in the X direction compared to the actual layout on the floor. I tried modifying its position on the offline station, and the paths followed it when I used the MoveTo or JumpTo buttons, but when I do a simulation the robot goes to the original spot as though the positioner wasn't moved. Is there a way to fix this without having to create a new station from layout? Thanks in advance!


  • c63amg
    Check your "initial state" drop down in the simulation setup window.
    This will set your station to a state that you can determine.
    the way you determine it is by setting up station logic in the, station logic > saved states area.