RobotStudio event

Rev. Counter Not Updated Axis 4,5,6

Hi all,
I'm having issues with an Irb 2600.
The SMB was replaced with a new one because the previous one stopped working and, every now and then the my IRB gives me a REV Counter Error involving Axis 4,5,6.
They get unsynchronized 2-3 times a week.

The SMB has been replaced.
The Cable has been Checked for loose connections.
The feedback connection have been checked and so far nothing.

Thank you


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Did you also check the SMB cable for pins maybe pushed in on both ends?  How about the SMB battery? Has it been replaced if necessary?
    Lee Justice
  • @lemster68

    We have changed the SMB once again and have not had any issues. Maybe the second SMB was faulty as well?
    Thanks for your response.