Where can I find the "last good system data" files which are auto saved during a normal shutdown?

During a recent system failure on an IRC5 one of the remedies suggested was to "restart using revert to last auto saved to accept the last good system data". The reason I didn't was the date on the last good system data was nearly a year ago. I would like to look at the files now to ensure they are updating on all normal shutdowns.


  • Can anyone help with this please?
  • I have the same question, anyone knows the answer?
  • Maxim Riabichev
    edited January 2021

    The folder that comes to mind is the C:\Users\<username>\Documents\RobotStudio\Solutions\<solution name>\Stations\StationBackups
    Post edited by Maxim Riabichev on

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Maxim,
    I think that they mean on the real robot controller.
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    I think that they mean on the real robot controller.
  • Oh, my bad.

    I'll look into it.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Hello there,

    So I've looked into it and these are my findings:

    The "last good system data" is an internal file that is saved on the controller every time a shut down of the controller is issued (via the FlexPendant for example).

    This file (image.bin in system root of the controller) contains all the data that is needed to restore the state the controller was in prior to the shutdown.

    The age of this file, therefore, depends on the last time when the controller was shut down. If the controller has never been shut down, no such file will exist.

    As this file is only for internal use, it is advised not to interact with it.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • thanks Maxim  :)