RobotStudio event

Saved Options selection

I work with RobotStudio every day and it seems like I am always selecting the same options that I know we always purchase with our robots for our customers when I am building my station from Layout.  It would be nice if I could have a default set of options that I click and it would select all the same options that I always select. 


  • Instead of building from layout you can export the options you've selected to a XML file by clicking the export button in the image if you use the installation manager.

    You can then import the settings whenever you create a new controller. Alternatively you can also create from backups which will do the same thing.
  • Scott,
    Thanks, but that would not work with different size robots.  Unless I create the same thing for each size robot right?

  • I have added this to our backlog as a feature request.
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • Also, you can edit the file <installdir>\Template Systems\TemplateSystemsRW6.xml (for RobotWare 6.x). 
    Add the desired features under <BaseTemplate type="system" name="Base"> and they will apply to all system created from Layout. You can find the feature names in a created VC in the file internal\controller.rsf.
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • Johannes,
    I really should check back with the forums more often.  I did not see your post until today, but it worked great!  Thank you very much.