RobotStudio event

Adjusting positioner rotation speed

I am having trouble adjusting the speed of the positioner as it rotate during welding. In previous programs this was controlled using welddata but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working. Below is a sample of my program.

CONST robtarget POS_TP1:=[[1385.18,877.05,200],[0.0236208,-0.0147513,0.999544,-0.011663],[0,-1,1,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,0,9E+09]];
        ! ACTIVATE STN 1
        ActUnit STN1;
        ! RESET STN 1
        IndReset STN1,1\RefNum:=0\Short; 

                POS_1X.trans.y := POS_TP1.trans.y + ((-7.62*i));
                POS_1X.trans.z := pos_tp1.trans.z;
                POS_1X.trans.Z := POS_1x.trans.Z + Z_POS_1_arry{1+i};
                POS_1X.extax.eax_e := POS_TP1.extax.eax_e + (360* i);
           IF i = 0 THEN
                ARCLSTART POS_1X, v100, sdSplineWeld, wdSplineWeld, z0, tWeldGun\WObj:=wobj0;
                ArcL POS_1X, v100, sdSplineWeld, wdSplineWeld, z0, tWeldGun\WObj:=wobj0;

Best Answer


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    eax_e?  You have many external axes?
    Lee Justice
  • N9hebb
    edited June 2018
    I have a dual sided positioner that rotates about a center point so that can be loaded while the other side is worked on. It was setup to use eax_d as the center rotating axis and eax_e and eax_f as the positioner platters.

  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    OK, just noticed WObj0 there, did you use a coordinated WObj in your previous program?
    Lee Justice
  • Below is how my previous program works. The weld torchs moves to above the part and then the positioner rotates. It is just like a moveC except the positioner moves instead of the robot arm.

    ActUnit STN1;
    IndReset STN1,1\RefNum:=0\Short;
    MoveAbsJ jtOrientPos1_Vert, v200, fine, tWeldgun;

    ArcLStart S1P1_5980,v100,sdSplineWeld,wdSplineWeld,z0,tWeldgun\WObj:=wobj_STN1;
    ArcL S1P2_5980,v100,sdSplineWeld,wdSplineWeld,z0,tWeldgun\WObj:=wobj_STN1;
    ArcL S1P3_5980,v100,sdSplineWeld,wdSplineWeld,z0,tWeldgun\WObj:=wobj_STN1;
    ArcEND S1P4_5980,v100,sdSplineWeld,wdSplineWeld,z0,tWeldgun\WObj:=wobj_STN1;

  • I was able to adjust the speed by creating a speed data variable to replace the v100 and then adjusted the values for the TCP Velocity and rotational velocity.
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Well, that was some good thinking!
    Lee Justice