Retreiving a wobj definition from Robot Web Services

Does anyone know how to get the wobj definition from the REST API? More precisely: what REST URL gives me the x,y,z,q1,q2,q3,q4 values of a certain wobj that is loaded in the controller?

-I load a RAPID program with a wobj: 'WobjTable' for example
-I adjust this wobj with the flexpendant and the 3 point method
-Now I would like to retreive this new wobj definition from the Robot Web Services REST API

I was looking under
but couldn't find it there so far..


  • Ok, apparently there is no function to do this directly, however you can get it by searching through the module text:

    First loop over all modules:
    then search for the wobjdata definitions:
    then with the results you can get the actual text where the wobj is defined: