Characters On Flexpendant Screen

Hey all, Does anyone know how many characters are allowed when you write various messages on the flexpendant screen?
For example with TpWrite, UiMsgBox, ErrWrite etc


  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭

    TPWrite String [\Num] | [\Bool] | [\Pos] | [\Orient] | [\Dnum]


    Data type: string

    The text string to be written (a maximum of 80 characters, with 40 characters/row).

    UIMessageBox ( [\Header] [\Message] | [\MsgArray] [\Wrap][\Buttons] | [\BtnArray] [\DefaultBtn] [\Icon][\Image] [\MaxTime] [\DIBreak] [\DIPassive] [\DOBreak] [\DOPassive] [\PersBoolBreak] [\PersBoolPassive] [\BreakFlag] [\UIActiveSignal])

    Data type: string

    Header text to be written at the top of the message box. Max. 40 characters.

    ErrWrite [ \W ] | [\I] Header Reason [ \RL2] [ \RL3] [ \RL4]

    Data type: string

    Error message heading (max. 46 characters).

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