RobotStudio event

Characters On Flexpendant Screen

Hey all, Does anyone know how many characters are allowed when you write various messages on the flexpendant screen?
For example with TpWrite, UiMsgBox, ErrWrite etc


  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭

    TPWrite String [\Num] | [\Bool] | [\Pos] | [\Orient] | [\Dnum]


    Data type: string

    The text string to be written (a maximum of 80 characters, with 40 characters/row).

    UIMessageBox ( [\Header] [\Message] | [\MsgArray] [\Wrap][\Buttons] | [\BtnArray] [\DefaultBtn] [\Icon][\Image] [\MaxTime] [\DIBreak] [\DIPassive] [\DOBreak] [\DOPassive] [\PersBoolBreak] [\PersBoolPassive] [\BreakFlag] [\UIActiveSignal])

    Data type: string

    Header text to be written at the top of the message box. Max. 40 characters.

    ErrWrite [ \W ] | [\I] Header Reason [ \RL2] [ \RL3] [ \RL4]

    Data type: string

    Error message heading (max. 46 characters).

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