RobotStudio event

Cross-Origin Request / CORS header - Robot Web Services

I'm trying to run the example javascript client for the Robot Web Services REST API as found in the documentation:

I have changed the URL to the IP address of the controller:"GET","",true);<br>
When opening the html file (from my laptop on my laptop, for development) I am getting an error in the javascript console:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).
How should I fix this? Why doesn't the controller API give a CORS header? I can't serve the html from the controller right?


  • Humphrey
    Oh, after posting I noticed some information in the documentation that I didn't see earlier because of some strange behaviour of the documentation site.
    It states:
    • Create a folder named docs under the HOME folder on the controller.
    • Copy the html file to the HOME/docs folder
    • Enter the URL {controller ipaddr}/docs/HelloControllerHtml.html in a web browser. (Depending on your network; you migth need to disable the proxy in your web browser)
    • For a VC type the URL in the browser

    So my new question is: is there some way to serve the code outside of the controller?