How to send EN1, EN2 signals on ProfiSafe?

Hello Everyone,

We're building a robotic cell and we want to use the Flexpendant for controlling other equipment in manual mode. We're using a robot with SafeMove Basic option and Profisafe through Profinet network. I'm making a custom ScreenMaker application, and in my safety PLC I would like to have access to the TeachPendant's enabling device. I've found the EN1 and EN2 signals in the robot controller, but I can't figure out how to send them through ProfiSafe - they don't seem to be accessible in the safety controller of the IRC5.
Any ideas?



  • Hi,

    Did you resolve this? I want to receive cell door and e-stop status over profisafe, but so far unsuccesful..

  • I think this is possible with "Safe I/O configurator" in Visual SafeMove. You can find more info in Application manual Functional safety and SafeMove2. 
  • Hi,
    sorry for my late update.
    What I've done with the EN1, EN2 signals is that I've exchanged them through the standard (non fail safe) Profinet channel, and in the safety PLC I've connected them to a two-hand control function block. Configuring other safety related functions, signals were quite straight forward after reading the mentioned manual "Functional Safety".
