Associating Libraries to Mediapools

Is it possible to associate a user created Mediapool with a user created RS Library?  I would like a specific library loaded each time I use an external axis Mediapool.


  • Hi DanS,

    Yes that should be possible with a little bit of XML editing.
    When you start a controller with a mechanical unit that RS doesn't recognize you'll encounter this dialog:


    What you need to do is to add the mechunit type to the mapping file <Program Files>ABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioLibraryMappingMechunitLibraryMap.xml.
    In this case it would look like this:
    <Mechunit type="ROB1_260" library="RobotsIRB260_30_150__01.rslib"/>

    The path is relative to the RobotStudioABB Library directory so you would have to copy your library there.


    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Thank you sir!

    I don't suppose it's also possible to present a list of libraries to select from? ...say for multiple L positioners as an example.

  • Hi
    Just add several mechunit tags with the same type but paths to different libraries.
    And when you press OK it will show you a list with all the libraries.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering