RobotStudio event

problems with reltool...

hi people.

I made the following program...


  VAR robtarget p10;
  VAR num AngleZ;

  PROC main()
    MoveJ p10,v500,z50,tool0;
    waittime 0.5;
    MoveJ RelTool(p10,0,0,0Rz:=AngleZ),v500,z50,tool0;
    GOTO Begin;


however, when angleZ is greater of 120? i have got a following error

The desired position cannot be reached with the given robot configuration.

How can i resolve my problem to make a rotation of 360 without change the position of the robot in the program?

Sorry about my english...




  • Hi
    Turn off Configuration check
    ConfJ /Off
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thanks PerSvensson...


  • companheiros estou precisando gera minha licen?a da minha abb serial 60123 aguardo respostas ok
  • Your welcome
    Be aware of that if you turn of configuration the robot always take the closest way (axis 1,4,6,) and in some cases you may not want that to happen. So be carefull when you run with configuration off.

    Take a look in the manuals around configuration, good to know how this works and if you are working in RobotStudio it's even more important at least if you are creating target out of a geometry.

    But of course in RobotStudio you can play around without messing up the real hardware image.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering