RobotStudio event

Find offline code in Robot Studio


Why does the Find or Find/Replace functionality not work for offline Rapid code? 



  • You need to apply all the changes to rapid before you can execute the replace function. 
  • ABB_Hope
    edited September 2018
    Maybe I should ask this question a different way. When using RobotStudio to view or edit OFFLINE ABB Rapid code, if I try to search CTRL-F for a string i.e. Proc DoSomething(), nothing happens. This means RobotStudio is not connected to a controller.

  • I have not had any issue with this functionality.

    Does RobotStudio work all right apart from this?

  • Hi ABB_HOPE,

    I'm currently having the same issue.  Did you ever resolve it?
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    Works fine here in 6.08.
    Can your Find/Replace window be outside your desktop?
    What I see is, if you put the F/R window near corner then change screen resolution, the window stay at its older position so you cannot see it.

    In other hand, if it's the search who doesn't work, look at "Look in:" combo box..

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