RobotStudio event

My IRB1200 joint 6 is only returning Z coordinates between 180 and -180

Hey there,

I am writing some front end UI tools for our ABB robot and while trying to execute a path that ends in rotating joint 6 360 degrees I was noticing some weird errors at execution. Turns out that the joint 6 readying I am getting back in the jogging window on the pendant shows 0 to 180 and then if I continue rotating it immediately starts at -180 and goes back to 0. Can someone explain to me where I might be able to find how to change this coordinate frame? I am seeing this with tool0.

Kind Regards,


  • lemster68
    Is your position format in Euler angles?  That is what it sounds like to me.  Change to joint jog to see the actual joint angles.
    Lee Justice
  • jseward
    yes the position format is in Euler angles. I was trying to accomplish the movement using a moveJ on a robtarget but since then have had more luck using MoveAbsJ on a joint target. Would this make more sense to you?
  • lemster68
    Yes, CJointT(), then add or subtract 360, but be cautious of the joint limits.
    Lee Justice