Attaching a Path to Part on a Positioner?


I am trying to attach a robot path to a part that is attached to a positioner. I have created a border(curve) around one of my parts features and attached that to the part.  This curve moves with the part no problem.  But when I create a path from the curve, the path and associated targets do not move with the part.

 In pre-RS5 versions, I was able to attach a path to a part so that if I jogged the external axis, the targets rototated with the part feature it was trained on.

How can I do it RS-5??   I am using v5.07




  • Hi
    Create the targets in a workobject that you attach to the part.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi Per,

    So the default wobj0 won't allow for this?  At least the 'attach to' context menu is grayed out.



  • Hi
    wobj0 is fixed in the robot so you need to create your own wobj.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering