EIP Internal Master


I want to the IRC5 to have its own EIP device separate to the PLC

To use the IRC5 as an EIP master to generic IO it seams like you should just need a robotware license installed, especially since the ABB IO is now EIP.
(The controller just says I need the robotware to talk with generic devices)

I'm getting told by our local sales we need to install the extra card at considerable expense.

That would make sense when the controllers used Devicenet, but not now that the controoler clearly has the physical system in place and the adapter/scanner product manual mentions a internal unit.... ?




  • You need hardware if you are taking the EthernetIP adapter (slave) only option as this uses an AnyBus  adapter.

    The scanner/adapter option uses the Ethernet ports that already exist on the main computer - so you only need the RobotWare option.