Log off User in combination with RAB

Hello,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


I have a problem with a Rab application in (5.07 and 5.08).


When I open a screen (For Example "Screen Test") from my "Main Screen", I used timer_tick event for updating the screen every 1000Ms. When I close back from "Screen Test" to "Main Screen" there is no problem at all. But.


When I select the ABB Menu and then select "Log On" Menu, and select for example "Default User" I get an error "Null Reference" from the timer_tick event in the "second" not opened screen.


I already tried to disable the timer when I close the "second screen" (Deactivate), and enable this timer when I open the "second screen". (Activate)


Can somebody help me with this problem?




  • Hi
    Dont' really know how your application works but it sound like you aren't creating and disposing your timer object correctly between the screens.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering