Trying to combine two TASK´s (Error: Not connected Mechanical Unit Group)


unfortunately since more then one week I'm struggling with a problem, that actually shouldn't be one...

The system that I'm working with contains a IRB2600 Robot and a IRBP A250 Positioner. At the moment the system has two TASK´s, one for the Robot (T_ROB1) and one for the Positioner (T_POS1). I want to make programming easier and integrate the Positioner into the Robots TASK T_ROB1. Therefore, I went to (Configuration -> Controller ->) "Mechanical Unit Group" were I found two Groups: rob1 and pos1.
I deleted "pos1" which used "Motion_Planner_2" and "STN1" as "Mechanical Unit 1" and changed "Mechanical Unit 1" settings of "rob1" to "STN1". Then I went to (Configuration -> Controller ->) "Task" and removed TASK "T_POS1" which used "pos1". After a Warmstart I get following Error Message: "20368: Not connected Mechanical Unit Group". Description: "There is no Motion task connected with the Mechanical Unit Group". One of the actions is "Remove the Mechanical Unit Group" - what I did. 
Then I tried to create a new Mechanical Unit Group with the Name "robALL". I got an error message that this name is invalid. I deleted the Group "robAll" and I still got the error message that "robAll" is a invalid name. This means that the Mechanical Unit Group "robALL" is still somewhere where I can't find and it is impossible to delete it the way I did.

Any hints what I shall do?

With Regards,



  • hello Novi,

    we have had the same problem recently. And we fixed it by following the next steps;

    - controller > mechanical unit > delete mechanical unit
    - controller > task > motion task deleted containing mechanical unit
    - save all seperate sys parameters
    - controller i-start
    - load all seperate system parameters
    - error 50284 came up, and we connected the mechanical unit to T_ROB1

    And then the system runs as we want it to run. 
    (This after we tried a lot of things before also, which did not work) 

    hope it can help you,

    kind regards,
    Michel & Robert.
  • I am facing the same issue with 2 robots, 2 linear tracks, and 3 external axes. I tried to solve this issue using different drives and logical axes, but I used the same motor for all of the mU200 units. I am getting this error again and again when I try to run both robots.