RobotStudio event

Event code 50444 after robot collision

Hi everybody and happy new year.

One week ago we suffered a couple of robot collision with our IRB 360. In the log event tracker both collisions where marked with the event code 50444, unfortunatelly this event code does not appear in the troubleshooting guide for IRC 5 Controller neither in the IRB 360 manual.

This is the message from the log:
[Controller1] (50444) Motion supervision.   Loose arm detection triggered for axis 1 on mechanical unit ROB_1.

Apparently there was not defects in the arms neither in the connectors.

Anybody knows what could happened and potential root causes? Also if you know how to re-start the controller.

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Hi

    Below is from the latest IRC5 trouble shooting manual

    So it appears that the collision would have been the root cause of the error in this case.

    You can restart the controller either by powering off using the main power switch or via the pendant as per below (main menu -> restart, on the restart screen select restart)
  • Hi graemepaulin, thank you for your reply.

    I will download the latest IRC5 trouble shooting manual and I will upgrade our internal documentation according your recomendation.

    Again thanks,

    Best regards,