RobotStudio event



I have just installed multitasking onto an S4CPlus robot and was wondering the steps you have to complete in order to run a background task .. I have I think followed the notes on multitasking but still no joy

Any help would be greatly received


  • Hi
    The first step you need to take is to define a new task.
    System Parameters
    Topic: Controller
    Types: Tasks

    You can check if the task is there(after the needed restart)
    On the TeachPendant do following

    View: System Info...
    Task State

    Second you need to define which module to load in the new task
    System Parameters
    Topic: Controller
    Types: Task modules

    All this stuff is stored in the sys.cfg file. When you have learned what step needed to take it's usally easier to work with this file in a text editor, a real keyboard image rules.

    Haven't incuded all the info that's needed when you do a Add but I guess you will figure that out.

    Hope this will help you out

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering