Suggestion: Rename Module including changing module-name inside the module-file

Rename a RAPID- Module (*.mod), is not enough, the name must also be replaced in the first line of code inside of the .mod-file.
It would be very helpfull if the RENAME instruction will have a corresponding option for .mod-files


Best Answer


  • Hi Johannes,
    Is there a hope that you can quickly extend the Rename function or otherwise install a solution in RAPID for renaming modules?
    We need this very often:
    Master module with type-dependent positions and constants, new unknown type number is coming, now the master module has to be copied and renamed via RAPID.

    Thnak you


  • Hi Johannes,
    2019 "But I agree that there should be a command also and have added an this to our backlog"

    We still need to copy and rename .mod-files via code-call. Can you update the RENAME-function please, to rename not only the filename of .mod-files but also the header-line. Thank You