Visualize a 3d print in a simulation

Pretty new to this. Is there a good way visualize a 3d print in a simulation somehow graphically as the robot moves?
Fine with doing it through RAPID if that works best.
Also, how would collision with a growing shape work? can it be done.
Thanks for your help.


  • back to this problem: I just started looking at the dispense module, is that capable of showing and calculating collisions with growing shapes?
  • We can use TCP Tracer and colour by signal. I assum the line width is fixed for this?

  • k_schmid
    edited June 2019
    Thanks so much, i try it. We don t have a z printer or real gcode (this is why we use robots) so collision is real.
    Kudos for axis support, has been a real pain to set up...
  • Anders S said:
    To visualize the 3D print you can use the SmartComponent "TubeTrace_v2" available at RobotApps.
    For your information are we developing a special PowerPac for 3D printing. This PowerPac will convert G-code to executable RAPID code with a few clicks. It has full support for interpolation of external axes, and supports for example the Dispense and Arc instructions. If you are interested in testing this PowerPac (it´s available as a beta version) send me a message.
    The dispense module is not capable of showing or calculating collisions. But I don´t see the risk for collisions if you are printing layer by layer in the +Z direction.
    This is a good news. I'm using 5-Axes machine running on G-Code, and another machine is ABB robot, I have to program twice for the two machine to print same pattern. Hope this PowerPac can be available soon. 

  • Hi Terry,
    If you want I can give you access to the beta version. In that case mail me at
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi Anders,

    As for our integration activity we regularly use 3D printing, we would like to see how an ABB robot could be turned in a 3D printer and experiment. Any idea of the availability of the package.

    We would really like to evaluate.

  • 3D Printing PowerPac has been released together with RobotStudio 2019.5! Please note it requires a separate license.
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • Oh great. Is there a trial version?
    We are most interested in collision detection with the growing shape, any idea if that is part of it?
  • There should be a 30 day trial available. 
    I don´t think there collision detection with the shape, but Anders would know for sure.
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics
  • No there is no collision detection.
    The 3DP PowerPac is designed for layer by layer printing in +Z direction, and then there is no risk to collide with the growing shape.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • hi,
    Thanks for letting me know. We give it a try