Invalid CPCRC - During CIP safety scanner / external device configuration


I hope you can help me to find the solution to this issue:

My robot information:
  1. RW 6.08.01
  2. irb2600
  • 841-1 Ethermet/ip Scanner/Adapter
  • 1341-1/1520-1 Integrated vision interface
  • 1125-2 SafeMove Pro
  • 997-4 CIP safety Scanner and Adapter
  • plus other options.

On Lan 2 I have an IO module and the camera, I Isolated LAN3.
On LAN 3 I connected a sick safety scanner MICS3-ABAZ55IZ1.

The scanner is already configured, I set an IP Address of and generated the SNN and SCID.

I configured the robot following the information on "Application manual EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter".
Robot IP Address on Lan 3.
I set the communication first.
Then the "Industrial Network"
Then the "Ethernet/IP IO connection"
Then the "Ethernet/IP Device".

Then I went into the SafeMove vizualizer, configured some zones, tools. After this was done, I entered the information on the safemove "IO Configuration". Entered the SNN and the SCID.

After fixing some errors I reach this point in which I cannot go further, I do not find information about this error:

What is CPCRC and how do I fix this error?
I do not have communication with the scanner.

Thanks in advance for reading and help me out on this issue.



just gelalo