RobotStudio event

reading digital input set my by line sensor

Hello, I have a question regarding RAPID functions and line sensors.
I set up a line sensor infront of the work station, my set up is kind of like this:
the operator walks through and triggers the sensor which triggers a DI in the controller, when I put "WaitDI" in the code, during the simulation, my robot will stop and wait for the DI, if I move the man across the sensor, it triggers the DI and robot continues the movement, so I got that working, but.. I want the code to be written so that regardless of time, when the operator walks through the sensor, it should stop robot movement and then after a defined time continues on with the path, I tried a bit with stopmove, startmove, waitDI, but it's not the result I'm looking for, can anyone help me out ? :)



  • anmataj
    It occured to me that an interrupt function is what i need in order to do so, can anyone explain interrupts a bit? Im checking the rapid, appriciate all the help manual,
  • anmataj

    If i am to add said trap routine to the program, do I include it in the path or do i make a seperate  PROC-ENDPROC and include it there? I do get an error which says "endmodule expected" or "syntax error" is my code written right?
  • anmataj
    With the help of a friend I managed to sort this out, a bit, even though if the man crosses the line sensor(which triggers the SensOut to 1) the triggering of the sensor does not trigger the trap routine, I wired the sensor through smart component to the controller, which gives a DI in the controller named "senzor"... Even when the man crosses the line sensor, the smart component tool does not grab object and continues its path without the object, I have a feeling there is something wrong with my trap routine, I have a hunch its 100% something wrong with my trap routine, can you shed some light for me ?:) cheers
  • anmataj
    i have it working :) if anyone is going to read this and wonder, hope this will shed some light