RobotStudio event

TCP/IP Connection


I have a problem about connecting multiple robots to a switch. I think I have to disable DHCP on robots. I look up manuels about it but I couldn't find anything.

I both tried Obtaining IP Automaticly and Manual Configuring. When I connect only one robot to switch I connect it with no problem but when i connect the second one problem begins.

Is there any tips I missed about it?

Thanks for help

Onur Altuntas / Turkey

Onur Altunta? / T?rkiye


  • Hi
    What controller model is it? for example S4C+
    What are you planning to do? Communicating with a PC

    If the controller is earlier than IRC5(latest) I recommend that you go for static IP adresses.

    If the controller earlier than S4C+ be aware that each controller allocates 4 IP adresses. So if you if you define the next adress you could use is


    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi,

    Controllers are IRC5.

    I planning to connect the robots to a switch. Then i will use just one connector to connect any robot i want. Maybe i can connect a wireless module to switch.

    Onur Altunta? / T?rkiye
  • Hi
    What kind of problems do you get when you define static ipadresses on all controllers?
    When you configure DHCP what do have as DHCP Server?

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi,

    I dont get any problem on controllers. I successfully define static or dynamic ip to controllers.

    I plug one controller and my computer to switch and i get successful connection. But when i connect the second one RSO gets crazy. It's not responding.

    This situation did not depend on Obtaining Automatic IP or Manuel configuring.

    I'm planning to disable DHCPs except one. Then it will be the DHCP server of cell if it is possible.

    ryan2007-3-8 14:1:46
    Onur Altunta? / T?rkiye
  • Hi
    I assume you aren't connecting the serviceport on the robot to the switch!!!


    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Lan cables connected to service port on robots. There is no problem about it. If it wasnt on service port, i could never have successful connection. As i said before if i connect one robot to switch everything is ok. But when i plug second one RSO doesnt connect any of them.

    Onur Altunta? / T?rkiye
  • Hi
    That's your problem
    If you want to connect robots to a network you need to use the factory network connection and not the serviceport.
    The serviceport is mainly used as a point to point connection becase it gives out a ipadress(DHC server) to the pc connected to it.

    So you need to configure the factory network port for each robot.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • I understood. Thank you for your answer. I will try it now.

    Onur Altuntas / Turkey

    Onur Altunta? / T?rkiye