external rotational axis limits

edited July 2019 in RAPID Programming
I have a constantly rotating positioner that runs out of range at -3780
Position for MTD_250_M2009_REV1_ joint M9DM1 is out of working range.

I just add/subtract rotations (and there may be like 300 full ones) ? Whats the range? Just mod 360 doesnt work either?
Are there any docs on it?


  • Not shown in the Motion parameters on the Flexpendant, but is part of the moc.cfg files are absolute limits to prevent damage from the unknowing individual inadvertently entering an astronomical value in parameters. There are max & min values that can viewed with a text editor:

           -name "Trnsf" -use_arm_type "Trnsf" -use_acc_data "Trnsf"\
          -upper_joint_bound 6.575 -lower_joint_bound -3.6\
          -upper_joint_bound_max 6.585 -lower_joint_bound_min -3.61

    Is use of the option Independent Axes possible?

  • We need to sync the axis, i check with my hardware people but i dont think it can be damaged when rotating a lot...
  • selivanov
    edited June 2020
    Hello. I watched this discussion, but still didn't understand it.
    I have / or am creating a robot and positioner system ( for example, IRBP A). But the rotation of the second axis (the flange table) is limited to 1416 degrees. Can I change the limit values for the second axis, such as making 10,000 degrees. And how do I do that?

    I tried, as in the video, only the values for the first axis changed. I set the value to 100, and in the jogging window the values became 5729 - this is for the first axis. No changes for the second axis.

    Help me, please
    Post edited by selivanov on
  • That is, for the axis in the in the Motion topic, type Arm tab, the value changes. and Plate doesn't change...
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    The values specified for axis limits are set in units of radians.
    Lee Justice
  • Yes, taking into account it all turned out in one system, but in the drcoc is still unchanged.