RobotStudio event

Replicate real robotic cell into RS

Dear all,

Is there a procedure to replicate a real robotic cell setup into robot studio for offline programming ?

For example, in a real robotic cell components like: fixtures, parts and objects are "randomly" place on a working table.
How can I be sure that when I am creating the robotic cell in the virtual environment the components of the real robotic cell are place at the same positions as in the real robotic cell?

Best regards,


  • EricH
    edited August 2019
    This depends on your 3D-Data and if it is saved with position meta data. We work with sat-extension and it places the objects, where they should be.

    For movable Objects: This is not so easy. You could try a 3d-laser scanner or use a camera with a good algorithm.
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    What I do is to teach a pin as tooldata then touch different corner on object then replace them in RS.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • Dear all,
    thanks for your replies and apologies for my delay.

    The 3D-Data is not reliable or at least the team that is designing it does not know how to use it at its full potential.

    I used a similar solution as DenisFR. I taught several points considering the limits of the part.
    Import the program in RS and then use "some black magic" to align the part with the taught points.
    I know it's not the best solution but helped me.

    Best regards.