RobotStudio event

IRB 1400 M94


I have to work on a IRB1400, I have allready worked on ABB product (ABB 6400,6400R,6600, so S4C,S4C+ and S5) but i've got a problem here, i can't open a serial link (the function "Open "sio1:",iodev1Bin;" is not recognized.).

Something strange is the name of the proc in proc.cfg file (PROC:CFG_1.0::)  i usually have allmost CFG_1.0:3:1: or  xxx4:0:, is that normal ?

Is that a problem of revision of the system? The problem is that i can't find the system disks that give me the possibility to reinstall it and the way to do it (with the maintenance codes to be typped before restarting)

Help me, please.



  • Hi
    I guess the reason you can't use serialport commands is that you don't have the option for  serial communication (think it's called Basic CommWare if it's a M94).
    Get in contact with your ABB salesmen to buy an upgrade

    Depending on what version of BaseWare/RobotWare you are running in the controller the header will have different version numbers so in your case it's normal.

    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Thank's a lot for your sharp answer.

    Another question, i can't make a backup of this robot.Perhaps it was not allready implemented. What i do is:
         -I go in the maintenance area, and in the menu i only got "save as" witch save the archive's log.

    In the "view" menu i only got 
         - 1 Archive
         -    (info sytem)
         -    (test system)
         - 4  ...

    Is that normal ?

    See you



  • Hi
    The backup function wasn't implemented then. So you need to save everything manual.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Tack s? mycket 

    I worked on a S4 in Trolhattan for Saab in 94-96 for the 9-5
    it was the first time i was working on a robot.

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