RobotStudio Synchronize to Station


Is there any way to synchronize to station the robtargets that are declared in the array?


  • From the Robot Studio Operator's Manual:

    • Robtargets that are local to a procedure are not supported by Synchronize
    to Station. Only robtargets that are local to a module are supported.
    • RobotStudio does not fully support instructions using Offs or RelTool
    functions. These are synchronized and will appear in the element browser,
    but commands such as View Tool at Target and Locate Target will not work.
    Targets used in the instructions will not be visible in graphics. However,
    instructions can be programmed and edited using the RAPID Editor and can
    be simulated using the virtual controller.
    RobotStudio does not support RAPID programs containing arrays of tooldata,
    robtargets and workobjects. These programs will not be synchronized to the
    • Workobjects and tooldata that are shared between several tasks must be
    specified in RAPID with its full value for each task when programming offline
    with RobotStudio. This will trigger a warning Initial value for PERS not updated
    in the controller event log. You may ignore this warning. However, ensure
    that the RAPID variable definitions are the same in all tasks, otherwise you
    may get unexpected behavior.
  • Did you create some code automatically split up your array & create separate robtargets?