image on teach pendant

I want an image to be displayed of the part that is going to be welded on teach pendant or flex pendant. where would I have to save the file in robotstudio to view it during simulation and in our flexpendant. What file type has to be used.

    PROC HS_L_VI()
        UIMsgBox\Header:="VERIFY",MsgLine1:="DIRECTON : "+ValToStr(HS_L_DISPLAY)\MsgLine2:="QTY : "+ValToStr(HS_L_N)\Buttons:=btnYesNoCancel\Icon:=iconWarning\Image:=HS_L_IMAGE.pdf\Result:=btnVERIFY;
        If btnVERIFY=7 THEN
            UIMsgbox\Header:="RETRY",MSgLine1:="Renter Values"\Buttons:=btnOK\Icon:=iconInfo;
            UIMsgBox\Header:="CANCELED",MsgLine1:="Routine Canceled"\Buttons:=btnOK\Icon:=iconError;


  • UIlIstView uses ListItem data to show a 28 x 28 pixel image on the pendant.  Would that satisfy your needs?  Also, do you have production manager option?  I think that allow for images if you have it and configure it correctly.  .jpg, maybe .png files save in HOME directory.
    Lee Justice
  • Micky
    Micky ✭✭✭
    Hello RickyTre91,

    I think you need the option "FlexPendant Interface" to be able to use images which are located in the home directory.

  • I would like to select/run the program and have an image be displayed of the part that program is intended to weld.
  • soup
    soup ✭✭✭
    Search the RAPID manual for "300 pixels" and read-up on the image options for message boxes.