RobotStudio event

calibrate 2 track mounted IRC5 robots

I have 2 IRB6650 robots and two T6003 tracks with an IRC5 controller.  How do I perform the "npoints" calibration?  I know I am supposed to touch the two robots together at several points and this should tell the SLAVE robot and track where it is compared to the MASTER robot and track.  As far as I know I am supposed to perform the calibration to the SLAVE TRACK's base frame and not to either robot's base frame.  Does anyone know a detailed procedure on how to do this?  Ultimately, I want to have a system that allows sharing data points from one side to the other.  This means the two tracks' base frames must be accurately calibrated with respect to each other.  My system does not have coordinated MULTIMOVE but I may use some other MULTIMOVE features.