Virtual Omnicore controller won't start, What's wrong

After recently updating my system to 20119.4 and adding robotware 7.0 I can't start a virtual omnicore controller. 

I get the following fault code in my output window. 

Base exception: RobApiException
e:\agents\1\_work\1\s\areas\robapi2\components\rapi_services\rapi_resource.cpp[129] HTTP method not supported by resource -1073414146 -1

I already de-installed and re-installed the software and robotware. 
Also tried 2019.3 and the today released SP01 of 2019.4. 
When I re-install, RS appears to work with older files again, even when I remove everything from my computer what I could. 
Except my license, also all the Robotware versions are (still) installed without any actions from me. 
Also, the virtual irc5 doesn't have problems at all and starts in seconds.

Does anyone know what's going on? 
Thanks for your response. 


  • Same here. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Hi, no, didn't get an answer from ABB also. My local suppliers did sent it to their help desk. So far I was the only call in the world and therefore they couldn't help me. 
    A bit disappointing. But, as a teacher i don't work with it on a daily basis, so I can live with a workaround on another laptop. 

  • I use Windows 10 Enterprise V1809 and RobotStudio 2019.5.2 (64-Bit) together with Robotware 7.0.2 And it´s working without problems.
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    Anyone know how to fix the problem

    Excepción base: RobApiException