Set/Reset or SetDO?

Is there a big difference from these instructions when changing the value of a digital output?
except for the 2 arguments \sDelay & \Sync i couldnt find any ..

i'm just asking for interest


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  • No there is no big difference. The Set/Reset instruction is a newer version. I think the SetDo is a relic.
  • Ok thanks, i just wanted to be sure:)
  • SetDO has more timing options. Set and Reset are simple turn on / turn off.
  • SetDo is great when you don't know if you want to set the output high or low, but you have it stored in a dionum variable.

    That way you can write:
    SetDO <output>, <variable>;

    Instead of:

    IF <variable>=1 THEN
        Set <output>;
        Reset <output>;

    //Markus Näslund


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