RobotStudio event

Pose in a Smart Component Property

I am trying to make my own smart component and I am able to add the mechanism property but I can't figure out how to select a pose in a combo box that is associated with that mechanism.  Anyone ever tried this?  

It would be the same as the Pose Mover smart component.  You select the mechanism and then it populates the pose combo box with the available pose.


  • THOD
    Okay, I figured it out.  You have to go to the "properties and bindings" tab and select the mechanism in the dynamic properties.  Then you want to expose child properties.  This will give you all the poses for the mechanism.  Now you can loop them back into the pose mover on the design tab.  Pretty Cool!!
  • THOD
    Well, I have one more thing to figure out.  When I change the mechanism pose names, they do not update in the dropdown list.  So for example, if I have two mechanisms set up in the station and the first has two poses named Mech1Pose1 and Mech1Pose2.  The other has Mech2Pose1 and Mech2Pose2.  When I change the mechanism in my smart component the poses do not update.