Force Control Option - External Axis

Hi , I need to control the external axis by torque control. 
I understand that there is an option available, Force Control. Does it work for external axis ? 


  • Can you describe more of what you need to accomplish?  External axes have different feed forward modes and you can set it up to use the torque mode.  And, as best as I understand, force control is for the robot, not external axes.  I could be wrong about that.
    Lee Justice
  • Hi Thanks, 

    the external axis rotates a mandrel, where tape is applied (laser welded) by a tool mounted on the robot.
    what I need is to be able to control the motor, so it keeps it at a defined constant torque. 
    Hope  that make sense 
  • Makes sense.  Read up on feed forward mode in the additional axes and stand alone controller manual.  That seems to me what might work is setting the mode to torque control.  It will require some tuning.
    Lee Justice
  • Ok, Great. thanks for your help