RobotStudio event

Synchronisation with logical instructions


I would like to please you to take a thing about this code:


PROC Testor(robtarget point)
 VAR robtarget ActualPoint;
 VAR num Height := 100;
 MoveJ t_HelpPoint1, vmax, z100, GreiferWObj:=Tester;
 MoveJ Conc, t_HelpPoint2, vmax, z50, GreiferWObj:=Tester; 
 ActualPoint := point;
 ActualPoint.trans.z := ActualPoint.trans.z + Height;
 MoveJ Conc, ActualPoint,vmax,z10,GreiferWObj:=Tester;
 ActualPoint := Align(point); !User function
 MoveL ActualPoint,v150,fine,GreiferWObj:=Tester;
 Greifer close; ! User routine
 ActualPoint := point;
 ActualPoint.trans.z := ActualPoint.trans.z + Height; 
 MoveJ ActualPoint,vmax,z10,GreiferWObj:=Tester;

For thoose which know that the program pointer is faster than robot and logical instructions below move instructions are executed in some cases earlier than the robot comes to positions, I want to ask this:

Will the variable ActualPoint have correct value in all cases or will this variable be rewritten with new value sooner then robot will came to programmed positions? I think no. I tried to simulate it and it seems to be OK but I would like to have some technical explanation.

Martiner2007-3-20 13:20:19


  • Hi
    A fine point will stop ahead program execution so in your code ActualPoint will have the correct value.
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • This I know but as you can see ActualPoint at line 4 can be overwritten by ActualPoint at line 6.
  • Hi Mariner

    My opinion is that the position is passed as a value to the Move function, so the fact you change the value of ActualPoint after the execution of the Move is irrelevant.
    In fact:

    MoveLconc, p, v1000,z10,tool0;
    MoveL p, v1000,fine,tool0;

    is the same of

    MovelConc, p, v1000, z10, tool0;
    Movel Offs(p,100,0,0), v1000, z10, tool0;

    The important value is the one that p has in the moment in which the CPU "drinks" the instruction. Next, you can do what you want with your variables, the already queued movements will not change anymore.
