Using RW 5.13 with SPOT option in RS 6.07

I'm trying to build the backup of a system with RobotWare 5.13 and the additional SPOT option in RobotStudio 6.07. I have succesfully installed RobotWare 5.16 (which is the closest one I could find) in the MediaPool. When I try to build the station from backup I get the error "The system could not be created because the additional option SPOT could not be found", no matter if i use "system builder", "installation manager" or "Robotsystem->new system". I could find a "SpotWare Add-in" under "Add-ins", but only for versions 6.05 and above. I guess my question is, where can I find the "SPOT-addin" for older versions of RobotWare?


  • SomeTekk
    edited February 2020
    To the best of my knowledge 'build from backup' requires a 6.X, or later system. Further, you MUST use System Builder for system construction older that 6.X. In System Builder you may elect to try 'Create from Backup'. You must have purchased the all options and have the necessary media folders to be successful.

    To check your options in your backup from the 5.13 system look in the backinfo.txt file and see if any of the RobotWare Spot Options 635-X are listed. If not present, it is suggested you contact your local ABB Support team to purchase the option.