RobotStudio event

Error when MoveabsJ

My RS 3.1 build 2234 shots down when trying to move along path.

I have moved severel times but after i have put 2 MoveAbsJ targets in my RS shots down.

It works if i move to each target but not if i move along path.

See file with screendump Error report and the robotprogram.


Best regards Klaus



Best Regards

Klaus Soenderhegn


  • Hi Klaus,

    Can you move along the path if you add a Conj_Off instruction at the beginning of the path? There seems to be something wrong with the configurations stored in the move instructions. The robot cannot reach the targets with requested configuration.

    Kind Regards

    Fredrik Syr?n
    Program Manager
    ABB Automation Technologies
  • Hi Fredrik,

    I don't think that's the cause of the error. First of all because MoveAbsJ targets don't have an axis-configuration (for axis 1 through 6, the target just stores the rotation of each axis), So there's no need to insert the ConfJ_Off instruction. A second would be that even if the the robot can't move along the path, that wouldn't result in a crash.

    Now for some info for yourself. The way you create targets in RS determens how the configuration is stored. If you were to create a path from a curve, no configuration is added to the targets (0,0,0,0) and the use of the ConfJ/L instruction is required to make the robot move along the path. Or, like i do, you manually add the correct config afterwards. (It would be very nifty though if RS could automatically determen a config while creating a path from curve, based on the active TCP..)

    If you create targets one by one on the TCP (the lil' "teach target"-button), a config IS automaticallly added. But that means you must be a good Jogger in RS to get all targets right..

    Best regards,

    <@Logan&gt; I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident.
    <Beeth> And your point is?
    <@Logan&gt; I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?"
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    The error only comes when i use move along path. If i use execute procure i programbrowser it runs the routine without problems

    So there can,t be anything with the path(It also runs on the real robot.

    Its only rs that has a problem. not the real robot

    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    Hi Klaus,


    you move along the path if you add a Conj_Off instruction at the beginning of the path? There seems to be something wrong with the configurations stored in the move instructions. The robot cannot reach the targets with requested configuration.

    Kind Regards

    The error only comes when i use move along path. If i use execute procure i programbrowser it runs the routine without problems

    So there can,t be anything with the path(It also runs on the real robot.

    Its only rs that has a problem. not the real robot

    Best regards Klaus


    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Hmm strange.. I might have a suggestion. Well, it's not something to find the exact cause, but it might be a solution.

    Does RS still crash if you:
    1. delete all targets and paths from the station and then
    2. resync your program from the VC back to the station 

    (I've had some problems in the past which were caused by differences in the Workobjects from the station and the VC.)

    <@Logan&gt; I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident.
    <Beeth> And your point is?
    <@Logan&gt; I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?"