ABB 3HAC17396-1 DSQC562 Robot Serial Measurement Unit with Battery S4 IRC5

A very good Afternoon,  My ABB robot irc5  which works with  incognex Camera ( version 4.8.4) to identify a blank, in a Stamping line, is currently giving me hiccups. We run something like 15 different progams. Every time i change a program, I constantly have to teach, each and every job over and over again, Its or let me say I keep on losing Memory, Restoring a recent backup does not help. I have tried changing the battery , i have tried changing the Memory card, this also does not help, i am recently thinking of changing of the Serial Measuring Board , and i am running out of ideas. Can you please assist me with some tips on this regard.


  • What errors are you getting?
  • What does the camera do ? 
    Maybe the camera data displaces wobjdata, tooldata or positions. Find out how the camera influences the RAPID-Code.