RobotStudio event

Safety connections

As I said in a previous I am a student. My final proyect  is a palletizing station in which a  PLC S71200 make the control of some conveyor and pneumatic actuators.
An output signal from PLC starts the cycle of robot mouvement.
In the PLC side  the Stop, Emergency and Reset  push butons are wired to the same chanel PLC inputs. The common terminal of this channel  is powered by a 24 V DC. PLC Outputs
are also wired to this power source.
I want the above Emergency push button stop too the robot.
I also want to include a security door in the station, when it opens it will also stop the robot.
The problem is that I do not know how to put in the same circuit the  PLC and robot  push butttons.
What would be the easiest way to do it?
The robot for the project is an IRB 660. The controller is not defined.



  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    Is your PLC a safety one?
    Else, you have to add Safety relays. Your risk analyze tells it to you. You can use Sistema to calculate it.
    Or add contacts to your push button. So 2 wires to GS (General Stop) on robot, one to your 24V common and one to your PLC for info.
    For your door, it depends what you use as locking module.
    But you can insert it in AS (Automatic Stop) channels.
    Be warned that safety is not a joke.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • Thanks Denis for your answer.
    You have raison the security is not a joke.
    I have not a Safety PLC.
    I´m going to study the GS connecction and AS.

  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    "I want the above Emergency push button stop too the robot."

    Good, this is the way it should be.  Also, the robot E-stop should stop the cell, in my opinion.  Be aware that AS is Auto Stop and commonly used for gates.  It will not stop the robot in teach.  GS, on the other hand, stops the robot in teach and automatic mode.  As such, if it were in your gate circuit to GS the robot, you would not be able to go in to teach the robot.  This is for informational purposes only, I am no safety expert, just a longtime programmer.  Be sure to adhere to the applicable safety requirements for your region/country.
    Lee Justice